How much does a home watch service cost?

There are many home watch companies available, ranging from professional companies to neighbors, one-man shows or individuals running a side business. The average price may vary depending on the specific company.

The search results are endless but not many home-watch companies specify their prices on their website, sometimes they are vague, hard to find or are not listed. We want to bring some light into this and give you an expected average price from professional home watch company in Sarasota, FL.

Average Home Watch price in Sarasota, Florida

Below we have gathered different prices from professional companies in Southwest Florida and calculated an average price of 2 visits each month and 4 visits each month. The price also depends of the size of the property, an apartment may be cheaper than a large family house.

Note: Prices may have increased due to Inflation.





I’ve seen cheaper

We hear this so many times that Mr. Jones down the road only charges $20 for a visit. How much service are you getting out of this? Let’s break down what the costs are of a single visit to a client’s property.

  • The typical travel distance to a property is around 15 minutes
  • Property inspection lasts around 20-30 minutes depending on the size of the property
  • Time invested in writing up the report, uploading photos
  • The price of gas and wear of the vehicle
  • Cost of running a legitimate business (insurance, taxes, invoicing, etc.)

We offer professional and affordable home watch services in Sarasota, Florida. Protect your investment by hiring a trustworthy team of licensed inspectors to check your property. With our service, you will be promptly notified of any issues, allowing you to enjoy your vacation worry-free. Early detection of damages, such as leaks from appliances like dishwashers or water heaters, can save you significant restoration costs. Don’t take any chances, choose our reliable home watch service.

Click here to contact Square 1 Home Inspections for a quote now!

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